How Do I Speed Up My Laptop? (Part 1)

No one likes a slow laptop. No one…

Technology is speeding up all the time and people are no longer prepared to sit around waiting for files to load or apps to start up. Once upon a time, we used Cds and DVDs to transfer files. Then we moved onto a USB. Now, Dropbox, Google Drive and a whole host of services mean that file transfer is faster than ever.

But what about your trusty laptop or your dependable desktop? There is nothing more disappointing than shelling out for what you thought was as fast as a Ferrari only for it to feel slower than the Royal Mail on a bad day after only a few months of use.
Never fear…I Love My PC is here…This is our quick and dirty guide to keeping your computer lean, fit, and running fast as sh***….!!

Is Your Computer Overheating?

Overheating is one of the most common reasons for a computer go-slow. I dare say you, too, lose a little bit of gusto when your body temperature is jacked up beyond natural limits. Yes, we humans have the luxury of things like air conditioning for when life is getting a bit hot and sweaty (ask us about our DIY AC unit at I Love My PC on Gloucester Road if you’re interested). Sadly, your computer responds the same to overheating. It has to work much harder and freaks out a bit.

However, preventing overheating is something you can easily take care of yourself. Keep your laptop clean and dust free whenever possible. Get a skin or a case for your device so that it doesn’t accidentally get covered in dust and dirt in transit. Take care to wipe down the keyboard regularly so that grime from fingers and general dust doesn’t accumulate and ends up finding its way into the machine. 

You need to keep a tab on this because inside your computer is a fan that kicks in when life is getting too hot to handle in the engine room. If the airflow system inside your machine is getting clogged with dust and dirt, then hot air will get trapped inside the mechanism and your processor will start panicking about how to complete the workload when it can’t breathe properly. I would feel the same.

Be kind. Get a clean for your computer or laptop every 12-18 months and you’ll get a faster machine and also one that is likely to last longer. If you’re taking a laptop to dirty onsite work environments then a year is a long time between cleans. If you’ve bought from new, then under normal circumstances you can wait 2 years if it seems to be behaving normally. 

If you want some advice on tools and techniques for cleaning your laptop yourself, drop us a message on our contact form here.

Let’s Talk Feng Shui For Computers

Do you know any hoarders? Horfield in Bristol is full of them!! Think about that garage or junk room that you can barely get into in order to sort. Well, that is exactly how your computer feels when you don’t leave any spare disk space on the hard drive.
When things get too full, your computer’s processor will literally be unable to get a look at what is going on inside its drive because it can’t cope. So, don’t be a data hoarder. You’re basically being mean to your computer. 

As a rule of thumb, you should start keeping an eye out for a hard drive slow down once you hit around 30% from full capacity. You might be able to get to 15% before things get ugly. The best thing to do is start having a clear up around the 30% mark or make a decision to buy more storage if that’s what you need.

Different types of hard drives have different numbers for this, we’ll link to a specific hard drive care article at some point in 2022……

Check for Viruses and Malware

You need to be careful what you download and where you download it from. Getting files from unofficial sources can be risky as they may be compromised and could contain viruses and malware.  

As well as the obvious carnage that viruses can cause, malware lurking about, getting up to nefarious things in the background, can slow down your device’s processes, and a sudden major loss of speed could be an indicator of it loitering in the background on your machine.

Get yourself some antivirus software and run it regularly. Make sure it is up-to-date, too.



When Did You Last Clear Your Cache And Cookies?

Cache and cookies are great. They store stuff so that pages can load quicker because, as we’ve established at the start, no one likes to wait around for a webpage. The only trouble is, if you end up with too many of them on your device, it can get clogged up, slowing everything down. Annoying…

Just as you clean your house on a regular basis, you need to give your machine a clean now and again to prevent the cache and cookie situation from reaching critical mass. Make it a resolution to clean up your device before things start going bad: why not cement your good intentions by putting this task on your calendar and sending yourself a reminder email using this handy little link:

Fair disclosure: after you’ve cleaned up the cache and cookies on your machine, any usernames and passwords that you’ve saved will be deleted, too, unless they’re tucked away in a third-party add-on, and you’ll need to re-enter these details manually when you next log-on to the site. But on the plus side, that site is going to load up significantly faster than it did before. 

Prevention really is better than cure when it comes to keeping your machine running at optimum speed. So give regular love to your machine and it will love you back. 

If you’re getting stuck on any of this, fill out our contact form. We are an anti-jargon team and we want to help!

At I Love My PC we specialise in fixing laptops and computers aka pc repair.
You can find us at our shop on Gloucester Road, Bishopston, Bristol.


Welcome to I Love My PC 207 Gloucester Road

If you have questions about how to fix or maintain your PC and you are in Bristol – Consider popping in to see us. Why I Love My PC? We’ll get into all of the details later, but first, let’s explain who exactly we are and how we are ready to help you…

I Love My PC – Years Of Experience

At the shop, you’ll find David, Ian, and Chris.  Ask for them by name, tell them you saw their names in this blog post!

I Love My PC itself has been up and running for over 15 years. Between us 3 as technicians, you consult with over 70 years worth of experience in assessing, building and repairing everything that relates to a personal computer.

Mostly, we fix laptops and help people to build PCs, but we also help with accessories. You wouldn’t believe some of the stories we’ve heard over the years..



What We Really Care About – Fixing Your Problem
This one should be pretty simple. We have been in business for so long, simply because we focus on 1 thing – giving you the best service and customer care we can.

We are local people running a local business.

We care about our local community as well a the businesses around us and the global environment – more on that in another post.

How We Go About Helping You Solve Your Computer Problem

There are times when we can solve your problem in 10 minutes with a simple trick at the counter. Sometimes we need to take a few hours to assess your machine. In general, we can give you an answer and a timeframe pretty quickly, but sometimes we need to do a deep dive for you. What we do promise you is that we have dealt with thousands of machines and issues over the years. We make it our job to save you as much time as possible to get your machine up and running again.

No one likes being without a computer for any longer than needed. You also don’t want to be shelling out for a ton of extra parts when you just need the machine to work for the next day so you can finish writing up some urgent notes or an assignment.

We know the difference between “Can you get this sorted for today?” and ” Take your time, I can wait a week”. To be honest we know that you never choose to be without a computer at all if you can help it. So we give you an honest analysis and a bunch of options so that you can make the best choice for your individual situation.

We Are Happy To Refer You To A Better Solution

We’re pretty good at fixing around 99% of the problems that people hit us with on a daily basis. Occasionally, something comes up where we don’t own the super expensive equipment needed for certain jobs. So, now and then, we’re happy to refer you to someone else if it isn’t something we cover.

In June 2021 ( at the time of writing) we don’t fix Apple computers, but by the time you read this, we just might…Sometimes we refer you elsewhere for something as simple as finding your preferred replacement desktop monitor on the same day or a type of power supply that we don’t keep in stock. We’ll usually give you a bunch of options based on your needs on price, timescale and quality.

You Could Actually Get A Free Repair

Some computer repair shops charge you just to look quickly at a machine. We don’t think this is fair. So…We give every customer that walks through the door a quick assessment for free.

Yes, you could actually have your repair done for free if we can fix it in 5 minutes with no extra parts.

There are many cases where the problem has just been a loose connection, which we can often find and fix without any trouble. Don’t take our word for it…This is an example of a free repair you can see on Google reviews




How Long Do Repairs Take?

At I Love My PC we can repair some smaller laptop problems in minutes. Other jobs take a few hours. In extreme cases, we need to order new parts which means we are dependent on suppliers to get the job done.

We want you to have your computer problem solved with the minimum of cost and fuss and so we will always advise you on all the options so you can make the best decision for your situation. Our goal is to be as clear and simple as possible when we explain your problem so that you are in the driving seat with your repair. We understand that there is never a good time to wait around for a computer to be fixed. We know that…So we do our absolute best every single time.

Don’t Take Our Word For It

If you want to see what other people think of our service, you can check our Google reviews. We respond to all the feedback we get from customers and that’s why we’re still here serving you after 20 years of hard work and diligent improvement.

Here is what some recent customers had to tell Google reviews :


Get In Touch

If you have a query about your computer or you want some honest advice before leaving the house, use our contact form to get in touch. We’ll be happy to hear from you and give you the best opinion we can on your individual problem.



Thanks for reading + Happy computing from all of us at I Love My PC!

At I Love My PC we specialise in fixing laptops and computers aka pc repair.

You can find us at our shop on Gloucester Road, Bishopston, Bristol.