Your Trusted Bristol Laptop Repair Service in Gloucester Road, Bristol

Hello there, laptop owners and tech enthusiasts in Bristol, UK! If you’re facing PC or computer repair troubles and seeking reliable service, you’ve come to the right place – especially if you need a quick laptop repair and you’re not far from Gloucester Road in Bishopston. In this article, we’ll explore the best practices of a thriving computer shop that caters specifically to you, the regular PC user.

Customer Service Excellence – This should be a no-brainer

At the heart of our service lies the belief that you, our valued customers, are our priority! We understand how frustrating it can be when your laptop acts up, disrupting your daily life. That’s why we’re committed to providing top-notch customer service from the moment you first contact us.

We are friendly and approachable. We’re here to listen to your laptop troubles and find efficient solutions. We know that your time is valuable, and we aim to address your tech issues promptly. Our goal is to leave you with a smile of satisfaction, knowing that your laptop is the best it can be, with the best bang for your buck.

I Love My PC – send us a question

A Word On Computer Jargon

Our laptop repair service is a welcoming space for both tech novices and enthusiasts alike. We know that jargon intimidates and ruins your day, so we do our best to explain things in a way that works for you (according to our Google reviews).

Technical Expertise – Troubleshoot This!

At I Love MY PC Ltd we take pride in our technical expertise, ensuring that your laptop is in the hands of professionals who know their stuff. Whether it’s a hardware glitch, a software hiccup, or any other laptop problem, there really isn’t much we haven’t seen at this point…

Efficient Laptop Repair Management

We know that your laptop is an essential part of your life. We can’t name anyone who wants to be without a computer for three days. Can you? Our repair management is as streamlined and efficient as we can get it, aiming to minimize any disruptions caused by tech issues. We’re also good at giving you the no BS estimate on turnaround time. Of course, things can’t all be the way we want them (laptop fixed in twenty minutes), but you at least want an accurate idea of how long things are going to take.

Our 20 years+ of collective experience means that computer faults can be evaluated quickly. track repair status, identify common issues, and fix them promptly. Quality is paramount, and every laptop is thoroughly checked before we return it to you. Our goal is always to get your laptop back in excellent working condition without delay.

Transparency in Pricing and Diagnosis

Transparency is the backbone of our laptop repair service. We believe in providing you with upfront and honest pricing, so you won’t encounter any hidden fees or surprises. Our clear and detailed breakdown of repair costs ensures that you know exactly what you’re paying for.

When we diagnose your laptop, we keep you informed every step of the way. We explain the issues with your laptop in a straightforward manner, and we offer multiple repair options when possible. Our goal is to ensure that you’re well-informed and confident every step of the way.

Things We Can Deal With:

General tune-up
Malware removal
Norton 360
fake alerts
Cooling System
Check fan operation clean heat exchanger
Thermal Re-Paste + Test
Operating System Install
Memory & hard drive tests
O/S Installation
Drivers + optimisation
Unlimited data backup
Email Client Configuration
Hardware Repair
Hardware & Software Install/Upgrade
Strip-down / Rebuild
Re-pasting laptop coolers,
Board-level diagnostics and repairs
Liquid Spills
Data Backup / Restore
Data Recovery
Drive Clone
Data Destruction Issues
Bios Upgrade


Screen Replacements
Keyboard Replacements
DC Jack Replacement
Hinge Repair

Desktop builds

Things We Can’t Fix:

Apple Computer
Mobile Phones

We Love Feedback

Your satisfaction is why we do our job! We actively encourage you to share your experiences and reviews with us. Positive feedback boosts our team’s morale, and your constructive criticism helps us improve our services further. We actually care that you get the best result and bang for your buck. On occasion, we manage to fix a laptop in 20 minutes in front of you (check our reviews on Google), which gives us real job satisfaction and you a great deal.

If you’re a laptop owner in Bristol, UK, and in need of a trustworthy and transparent repair service, we are here for you! Our commitment to customer service excellence, technical expertise, efficient repair management, and transparency is what our customers say sets us apart as your go-to laptop repair service.

Your laptop or PC is in good hands with us. Whether you’re a gaming enthusiast or someone seeking quick and reliable repairs, Dave and Ian are dedicated to providing the best solutions for your laptop troubles.

So, laptop owners of Bristol, we’re already on this tech journey one repair at a time. Feel free to join us on Gloucester Road in Bristol if you need to get on that train.

Why Talk To Us?

  • 30 years of experience in building desktops to specifications
  • Experience in building and maintaining personal computers for both business and private customers
  • Maintaining personal computers and networks for fun!

Competitive pricing – we know expensive repairs are a pain. We don’t want that for you.

Have a question? Hit us up here on our contact form. Advice on solutions is available by the bucket load, so don’t hold back.

I Love My PC – send us a question


At I Love My PC we specialise in fixing laptops and computers aka pc repair.

You can find us at our shop on Gloucester Road, Bishopston, Bristol.

PS- Thank you to Ryan Champion and We Write Remotely for helping us out on this website!



“Laptop Repair” From Gloucester Road, Bristol – Your User Guide To Getting Your Computer Fixed Up First Time

“Laptop Repair” as we see it from Gloucester Road, Bristol, here we go….

At I Love My PC, we live in the world of computer repair and laptop fixes on Gloucester Road in Bristol. We get a lot of questions from people in Bristol and Avon about how you can get your computers fixed and how to replace laptop parts, so we thought it was time to write a short guide on getting your computer kit fixed for the long-term.

These days, like it or lump it, most of us run our lives from a computer, so spending some time writing this seemed like a good way to help out with some of the issues we see as computer repair guys.

Which Bristol-and Avon Areas Are We Talking About?

I’m writing this from I Love My PC, which is on Gloucester Road (technically Bishopston) in north Bristol. That means somewhere in the middle of Bishopston, St Andrews, and Horfield. If you want to find us on the map, this link  will help.

Some of our customers come from other parts of Bristol. Mainly we serve north Bristol (Redland + Henleaze + Kingsdown + Cotham + Montpelier). We do have some keeners that moved to Bath and Portishead and they still pop up on occasion. We’ve been fixing computers in this area for over 15 years and wanted to pass on some of what we know about how to get your laptop repair “right first time”.

How To Choose “A Good Fit” For Laptop Repair In Bristol

It may sound really obvious to research your “laptop repair guy”, but a lot of people don’t. Either that or they walk straight into the closest computer repair shop to their home. For something as potentially complex and expensive as a laptop fix, this is not a good way to make your choice.We don’t recommend you do this. Instead, follow our tips….Does Your Laptop Fixer Have Good Google Reviews?

Online reviews of goods and services have completely changed our lives. A good business gets rewarded with great 5-star reviews while places with bad service get fewer stars and clear feedback. Google reviews can only be a good thing for you as a customer if you want your issues dealt with “right first time”.

Google reviews can be left by any member of the public and for any business registered with Google. We recommend examining the reviews not just for the general service you need, but also for the particular issue you have. If your potential computer repair shop has some solid praise for putting a new screen into an Acer laptop and you have the exact same problem, then there is a much better chance that they’ll do a solid job with your Acer laptop!

Personality Test your Computer Repair Shop

Computer repair is traditionally done by a bunch of guys who spend a lot of time dealing with software and screwdrivers and not much time with people. Most aren’t great communicators. We recommend looking at the reviews and doing a quick check on how your possible laptop fixer interacts with its customers.

You want your computer guy to explain and help, not make you feel patronised and stupid. You should also take note of your early interactions with your computer repair person. If someone is either rude or classed as unhelpful at the start of your experience, then this will only get worse if something unexpected happens later on in the process.

Is It Worth Crossing Town For The Right Computer Repair Shop?

The short answer is “ that’s up to you”….While convenience is really important, so is getting your computer problem solved with the minimum of hassle. In addition to checking out the Google reviews and doing your due diligence on your possible fixer, you might find it easier to contact a few shops before making a decision.

Contact Them In Advance With Your Problem

If the computer shop has something like an online form or somewhere you can just send them the details of your problem, this can save you a lot of time before you actually take your computer to be seen by someone. We would also add that if you take time to accurately write out your problem clearly, then it gives you a chance to review the information you before send it.

Sometimes talking on the phone can be confusing. A chance to review how you present your problem can really benefit the level of clarity you give to the person trying to help you. The other trick here is that you can do this at your leisure – you don’t need to do it in office hours. A good repair shop will allow for these kinds of queries and usually set aside time before the shop is open to calmly read those requests with their full attention. This is not always possible during a busy day when customers are pouring through the door unannounced.

How To Get Smart On Checking Those Computer Shops Out!

If you want to get really smart about it, you can write up your issue and then copy and paste it and send it to a few different shops and see how they react. You can do this before you’ve spent a penny and it can tell you a lot about the people you are dealing with and what to expect from them. This will also give you an indication of how organised they are – down to their response time and also down to how accurately they attend to your problem.

Tip: Usually technicians who ask lots of questions are the ones trying to more clearly identify your problem.

Should I Be Paying For A Diagnosis?

In a perfect world, we would all love it if everything was free, including quoting for work. However, a really high level diagnosis is often the one that will save you money, rather than cost you more. It is important to remember that the person looking at your computer has potentially spent decades getting to their current level of expertise.

For them, 30 minutes of fixing or diagnosing is still taking up their time, so it is a good idea to check with any shop about a diagnosis before you get started. One thing I can tell you is that you’ll never get charged for sending someone a query from a contact form!

How Long Does It Take To get my problem fixed?

Computers are sometimes really simple to fix and on occasion a bit tricky. What you can always count on, is that a good technician will be able to give you the magic “ballpark scenario” fairly quickly, meaning a fair idea of maximum and minimum time and cost. If you want to speed up your laptop, for example,  then there are a series of things to check, which takes a bit of time, but generally, they come good as an end-to-end process. Your laptop fixer should know these steps and sound confident in giving you a time and money quote for something like this.

In general everything becomes clearer the more investigation is done. I recommend a bit of patience and letting these people do their thing. If you checked the reviews and they say you are in good hands, then let the pros take the lead. Most of the repair businesses that have been around for a while have stayed for one good reason – people keep coming back.

When you look at those Google reviews, the number of them and the number of stars in each one is the simplest indicator. More reviews mean more chance that the general consensus on that business is correct.

Are Shops Honest About Whether Or Not They Can Do The Job?

Luckily, we can vouch for some evidence that shops in Bristol are referring to each other in the event that they cannot complete a job. This could be down to the fact that they are just busy, or that they don’t have the expertise and equipment for certain jobs.

At I Love My PC, we regularly get referrals from Currys PC World, mostly because they are interested in selling new machines rather than fixing old ones and they have received positive feedback about the jobs we do.

On occasion, we ourselves refer the odd job elsewhere if we don’t have the specific equipment to complete the job. One good thing to look for in your hunt for the perfect laptop repairer is someone who says “We can’t do that”- whether it is a job in a short timeframe or a specific type of request, you are better off if someone knows what they can do and cannot do and is prepared to tell you clearly + you’re less likely to end up in a mess along the way.

If you have any questions about how to go about getting your laptop fixed, ordering new parts, or saving time and money on your computer, hit us up on our contact form and we’ll be more than happy to give you balanced and impartial advice on what is best for your individual situation.

Happy Computing from us at ILOVEMYPC!

At I Love My PC we specialise in fixing laptops and computers aka pc repair.
You can find us at our shop on Gloucester Road, Bishopston, Bristol.